At Blessed Carlo Acutis, Bishop Hedley Campus, the online communication system, Class Charts, has recently been implemented. This is currently used to track achievement and behaviour throughout the school day.
We are incredibly proud of the high standards our learners strive for to achieve excellence and their success is celebrated every lesson of every day through the Class Charts reward system.
A letter was shared with parents in September to update them about Class Charts and each parent/ carer was sent a unique code so that they can create an account to monitor their child’s achievements.
Our BCA Top 10 system has been running since the beginning of term and the top two learners from each year group are celebrated in a weekly assembly and issued credit to use in our canteen. Every term, the Top 10 learners from each year group are rewarded with a school trip. Further details about this term’s trip will be shared soon.
Please keep an eye on our Facebook page for details of our weekly BCA Top 10 winners and we hope you will share in our celebrations of their achievements.
Throughout 2022-23, we will be using more of the Class Charts features and updates will be shared on our website. It is also being investigated to roll this out to our Primary Campuses - watch this space!