8:30 am - 4 pm Mon - Fri
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Application Form

Step 1 of 5

Personal Details

Do you have parental responsibility for this child?

(C) Please give the details of any other relative that can be contacted in case of an emergency:

Please let us know immediately if any of the above details change so that we can update our records accordingly. If you need any assistance in completing this form please contact the school.

I wish to apply for my son / daughter to be admitted to Blessed Carlo Acutis Catholic High School:

Step 2 of 5

School Details

Set 3 of 5

Information Relating to the Child

Is your child a Roman Catholic?

Can your child speak Welsh?

Does your child speak Welsh at home?

Does your child speak Welsh with:

National Identity:

Step 4 of 5

Further Information about the Child's Education

Does your child have a brother/sister attending Blessed Carlo Acutis Catholic High School at the time of this admission application to the school?

Does your child have any additional learning needs or any other special support needs?

Has your child had any exclusions from their current (or any other) school, either permanent or fixed term?

Has your child had any attendance related issues at their current (or any other) school?

Has your child received any additional support in a previous educational setting?

Is your child undergoing a Statutory Assessment of Special Educational Needs, or have a Statement of SEN?

Is your child currently under a Care Order?

Are there any other agencies involved involved with your child? E.g. Social Services, OT, SALT, Educational Psychologist, MIA, Health etc.

Is the child currently or previously been a “looked after” child by a Local Authority?

Has your child any compelling medical, educational or social grounds for their admission? E.g. a written recommendation from the Psychological Service, Intake and Assessment or the Health Authority?

Step 5 of 5

Any additional information

read the Application Policy and that the information that I have provided is true to the best of my knowledge/belief and understand that any false or deliberately misleading information provided on this form may render this application invalid and could lead to the withdrawal of an offer of a school place for my child.

Where parents knowingly give false information in order to obtain a place for their child(ren) at a particular school to which they would not otherwise be entitled, they may render themselves guilty of an offence under Section 5(b) of the Perjury Act 1911. Any application granted under such circumstances will be withdrawn.

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